Casting Call - 101

Casting calls are a critical part of model life and are for various opportunities (paid or trade) fashion show, brand ambassadors, video shoots, acting gigs etc. Every casting call is slightly different. Below are some tips, questions to ask, and things to have prepared always to have a stress free experience.

Before the casting call

Know the date & time and put it on your calendar, if need to add a day before reminder alert.

Check the distance and plan how you will get there.

If there is a flyer, review it to ensure you come ready. Some flyers include dress code, picture requirement, intake forms etc

If there is a time frame ex Casting call 2-4, reach out prior and ask the coordinators if you must stay for the whole time, that way you can plan your day/ time accordingly.

Make sure you have a head shot and full body shot printed, OR a Comp Card would be great. If you do not have one create one in less then 10 mins with this template HERE

Post on your social media that you are attending this casting - it allows you to connect with other models and for your network to see you out here doing things and keeping busy.

If possible come dressed and ready - shoes on, outfit, hair away from your face and little to no makeup

Wear All black fitted outfit, unless otherwise stated by the coordinators.

Make sure you know when the actually event is so you know you will be around for it

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask prior - send an email if/as needed.

At the casting

Arrive on time

Be friendly to staff and other models


Check in & be attentive

Always be a positive example

Network and connect with other models there

Know what is expected of you & deliver the best you can

Take selfies and behind the scene video and pictures - always get content

Connect and get contact info (even if just social media names) of anyone you feel is worth while ex coordinator team, photographers, videographer, models etc

Post Casting

Say thank you, smile & be gracious

Know what the next stages are in the casting directors process

Write a post about your experience and share it with social media tagging the coordinators

Send a thank you email to the coordinators of the casting

If not chosen, ask them why, maybe they can provide feedback that you can work on.

If chosen - show up and show out everything.